Lesley Livingston
LESLEY LIVINGSTON is a multi-award winning author of sixteen published Young Adult and Middle Grade books to date.
Lesley’s latest release, published in early 2023, is an INDIE NEXT PICK, published by Zando Young Readers. QUEEN AMONG THE DEAD, is a Celtic YA fantasy adventure set in the ancient kingdom of Eire, inspired by the legend of the first true queen of Ireland.
Her first novel, WONDROUS STRANGE, was winner of the CLA Young Adult Book of the Year 2010, a White Pine Honour Book, shortlisted for the Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Speculative Fiction, and in 2015 was named one of CBC’s “100 YA Books That Make You Proud To Be Canadian”. DARKLIGHT, the second book in this series was a finalist for the Indigo Teen Read Awards. The concluding volume in the trilogy, TEMPESTUOUS, was a finalist for the Monica Hughes Award.
Her STARLING SAGA and NEVER SERIES trilogies have both won the Copper Cylinder award for Young Adult fiction.
Lesley’s VALIANT trilogy is a sweeping historical epic and tells the story of a 17-year-old girl’s journey from fierce Celtic princess to female gladiator and the darling of the Roman Empire. The first book in the series was a Junior Library Guild selection. Lesley’s books have sold in over a dozen different countries to date, and THE VALIANT is under option for film/TV.
In addition to her books for teen readers, Lesley is also co-author of a Middle Grade series with Jonathan Llyr called THE WIGGINS WEIRD. The first book, HOW TO CURSE IN HIEROGLYPHICS was shortlisted for the CLA Book of the Year for Children Award and was longlisted for the Canadian Booksellers Association’s Young Readers Book of the Year award. It was also chosen as one of the selections for the 2016 First Book Canada All-Star Reading Challenge.
Lesley has a Masters Degree in English from the University of Toronto and lives in Ontario, Canada.
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